System Design - Load Balancer

Load Balancer Balance incoming traffic to multiple servers. Software or Hardware based. Used to improve reliability and scalability of application. Nginx, HAProxy, F5, Citrix Load Balancer Routing Methods Round Robin. Simplest type of routing. Can result in uneven traffic. For certain applications, not all requests are the same, some can have very database queries and results could be just by chance. Least Connections. Routes based on number of client connections to server....

March 7, 2017 · 2 min · 394 words · Eric

System Design - Vertical and Horizontal Scaling

There are two common ways to scale your application: Vertical Scaling and Horizontal Scaling . Let’s say you have your own web app and it’s running on a single server to start, the number of users rapidly growing, and you may start to meet some performance bottleneck in following aspect: CPU. If you are doing a certain function that requires a lot of processing power, like image conversion or video decoding....

March 6, 2017 · 3 min · 618 words · Eric

System Design - Numbers You Should Know

This will help you pretty much all areas as a developer. For example, if you want to estimate cost of your own side project before you take the time to implement and write a bunch of code, you can use this stuff to make those rough estimates and give you an idea whether it’s even profitable. It also help you from nightmare scenario where maybe you have a small side project, and all of a sudden it goes viral and the person’s left with thousands of dollars in cloud hosting bills....

March 5, 2017 · 5 min · 1061 words · Eric

System Design - Performance Metrics

Performance Metrics Scalability Ability of a system to grow and manage increased traffic. Increased volume of data or requests. Our goal is we want to achieve this growth without a lose in performance. Bad system design could result in a bottleneck on the number of users or traffic our application can handle, or could result in exponentially increasing cost to server a small increased traffic. Reliability Probability a system will fail during a period of time....

March 4, 2017 · 3 min · 550 words · Eric

System Design - Distributed System

General System Design Tips Always to keep your design for your application as simple as possible. Only change things once that’s required! Distributed System A Distributed System is basically a group of computer, aka Cluster, working together and the goal is that all the complexity should be hidden completely from the users. From user perspective, they just interact with a single computer. Behind the scenes when you think about something like Google, Amazon, Facebook, they have multiple data center with tons of servers to manage....

March 3, 2017 · 2 min · 391 words · Eric