How To Getting Buy-in for Your Ideas  [draft]

Continuing on the same topic Influence without Authority , you will always need to get your ideas buy-in throughout the whole lifetime. Step 1: Co-creation Step 2: Presence Step 3: Storytelling Reference

May 3, 2021 · 1 min · 32 words · Eric

Talk Note - Influence without Authority

General Idea The fundamental reason why other people wants to listen to you, and follow you is not because you know more than him/her, it’s because you care him/her. The more you care about your audience, the easier they can follow you. Keep telling the facts and figures won’t help you to influent other people. Instead, try to ask questions to your audience and keep them involved into the conversation is a better approach....

August 2, 2020 · 1 min · 119 words · Eric