Leadership  [draft]

Leadership Styles Shared Purpose, Values & Vision How to Navigate Through Ambiguity Leading Change High Performing Team Influencing Getting buy-in for your ideas Motivation & Coaching Delegation Action Plan Reference Slack Engineering: Technical Leadership: Getting Started Google: Define what makes a “team” Google: The five keys to a successful Google team

April 1, 2019 · 1 min · 51 words · Eric

Interview Preparation for Leadership

What is your Leadership Style? To be honest, a successful leader needs to be really flexible on the use of leadership styles. I just don’t follow one particular leadership style, it depends on the situations, people and the needs of the organisation. Overall, my leadership style is a combination of Visionary, Coaching and Democratic Styles. Visionary. I setup team vision, aligned with the company goals. Whenever a project starts or in the middle of the project, i make sure the project to vision and impact is clearly communicated to the team....

2 min · 324 words · Eric